
Report No. 28/2023

Correction of the current report No. 27/2023

Legal basis: Article 17 (1) of the MAR – confidential information

The Management Board of Creepy Jar S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as the “Issuer”) hereby corrects the current ESPI report No. 27/2023 of 14 November 2023, in which the estimated gross sales of Green Hell on PC/Steam, Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox platforms since the beginning of 2023 were by mistake provided incorrectly.

The Issuer informs that, based on the preliminary sales data available as of the date of this report, the estimated gross sales of Green Hell for the a/m platforms since the beginning of 2023 amounted to 945 thousand copies, with 208 thousand copies for PlayStation and Xbox consoles.

The rest of the ESPI report No. 27/2023 shall remain unchanged.