StarRupture’s Environmental Showcase

StarRupture’s Environmental Showcase Highlights the Real- World Inspirations Behind its Extraterrestrial Setting Warsaw, Poland – Jul. 24, 2024 — StarRupture, the second title from Polish studio, Creepy Jar, may take

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The second of StarRupture DevLogs

Creepy Jar Gives Players An Inside Look Into StarRupture’s Base Building The second in Creepy Jar’s series of StarRupture DevLogs focuses on the many aspects of base building within the

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Creepy Jar summarizes 2023

Creepy Jar summarizes 2023 Creepy Jar S.A. in 2023 generated PLN 37.5 million in sales revenue and PLN 18.3 million in net profit – according to preliminary financial data. The

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