
Report No. 8/2024

Preliminary selected financial data for the first quarter of 2024

Legal basis: Article 17 (1) of MAR – confidential information.


The Management Board of Creepy Jar S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as the “Issuer”) hereby announces the preliminary selected financial results of the Issuer.


Data for the first quarter of 2024:
– sales revenues: PLN 7.3 million compared to PLN 12.0 million in the first quarter of 2023 (a decrease by 39% y/y),
– operating profit: PLN 2.9 million compared to PLN 8.6 million in the first quarter of 2023 (a decrease by 67% y/y),
– net profit: PLN 3.3 million compared to PLN 9.3 million in the first quarter of 2023 (a decrease by 64% y/y);


Short-term financial assets: PLN 80.1 million as at 31 March 2024 compared to PLN 79.1 million as at 31 December 2023.


The decrease in revenues from the sale of Green Hell by 39% y/y is due to the natural aging cycle of the product and the adjusted discount policy. The indicated decrease in revenues, increasing production costs and the team expansion resulted in a decrease in the Company’s net profit margin to 46%.


In addition, in the first quarter of 2024, the Company recognised a non-cash cost of the 2023-2025 Incentive Scheme (“Incentive Scheme”) in the amount of nearly PLN 1.2 million. The cost of the indicated Incentive Scheme was not included in the results of the first quarter of 2023.


In the analysed period the total gross sales of the Green Hell game on PC/Steam, Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox platforms (versions of the game to which the Issuer holds publishing rights) amounted to 343 thousand copies, with 57 thousand copies on PlayStation and Xbox consoles.


At the same time, the Issuer informs that, based on the preliminary sales data available as of the date of this report, the estimated gross sales of Green Hell for the a/m platforms since the beginning of 2024 amounted to 612 thousand copies, with 72 thousand copies for PlayStation and Xbox consoles.


The Issuer reserves that the above data are estimates and the final financial results for the first quarter of 2024 together with comparable data will be provided in an interim report to be published on 22 May 2024.