The main assumption of Creepy Jar S.A. development strategy is building a portfolio of high quality computer games based on own IP.

The Company sells the Green Hell game worldwide in digital distribution model. Sales strategy of the Issuer assumes successive development of products through regular updates with free additions significantly increasing game content. After purchase the customer receives support for the title in the long term without having to incur additional costs.


The Issuer assumes cyclical production of Premium Indie games ensuring operational continuity and a stable level of income in the long term. The company focuses on independently financing its future projects and supporting current titles, which enables it to have high cash balance and other cash assets obtained as a result of very good sales of Green Hell.


The Issuer is also a publisher of its productions (self-publishing model) on major hardware platforms. In an attempt to ensure availability of its titles on the maximum number of platforms in selected cases (Nintendo Switch, VR) the Company grants licenses to external specialised entities for porting the studio’s games to new platforms and their distribution. By granting such licenses the Company may, in a cost-effective manner, ensure its share in a portion of revenues generated by licensees on these platforms by participating in their potential market success. At the same time the availability of the studio’s production on many platforms allows the Company to diversify the sources of income from the sale of one product. The Issuer focuses exclusively on its own projects and does not foresee in the near future any publishing activity for external development teams.


The Issuer’s development strategy is based on organic growth, which the Company intends to achieve by systematically expanding its portfolio of computer games for key hardware platforms. In the Issuer’s opinion this will allow for gradual diversification of revenue sources and will provide the Company with funds necessary to implement further original projects.


Currently Creepy Jar creates a team of over 60 game creators whose competences cover key areas necessary for the production of high-quality Premium Indie games. Company’s development strategy assumes gradual reinforcement of the production team with specialists with many years of experience in gamedev industry in order to guarantee smooth production process and elimination of potential bottlenecks. The studio is also supported by external specialists working on music, storyline and outsourcing selected graphic elements.


Katarzyna Konieckiewicz
IR Manager
tel. +48 530 502 264