Creepy Jar publishes its preliminary financial data for the first quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, Creepy Jar generated PLN 7.3 million in sales revenues and PLN 3.1 million in net profit – according to the preliminary financial results. The studio focuses on the production of StarRupture and the further development of its flagship title, Green Hell.


The decrease in revenues from the sale of Green Hell on key platforms by 39% y/y is due to the natural aging cycle of the product and the adjusted discount policy. The indicated decrease in revenues, increasing production costs and the team expansion resulted in a decrease in the Company’s net profit margin to 46%. In addition, in the first quarter of 2024, the Company recognised a non-cash cost of the 2023-2025 Incentive Scheme in the amount of nearly PLN 1.2
million. The cost of the indicated Incentive Scheme was not included in the results of the first quarter of 2023.


Green Hell’s gross sales by volume in the first quarter of 2024 on the PC/Steam, PlayStation Store and Microsoft Store platforms (versions of the game for which the Company holds publishing rights) amounted to 343 thousand copies, with 57 thousand copies on PlayStation and Xbox consoles. Based on the preliminary sales data available as of 13 May 2024, the estimated gross sales of Green Hell on
the a/m platforms since the beginning of the year amounted to 612 thousand copies, with 72 thousand copies for PlayStation and Xbox consoles.


The studio continues to work on its another original production called StarRupture, developed on the Unreal Engine 5. It will be an advanced base building simulator with survivalist elements, embedded in the science-fiction setting. StarRupture will stand out from the games already available on the
market, in particular classic base-builders, thanks to such mechanics as exploration, combat or resource management. The game in the early access version will be an extensive production with a co-op mode for up to 4 players, which the studio plans to further develop intensively. The release date of StarRupture has not yet been set.


Creepy Jar continues to support and develop its flagship production. So far, the Company has already provided players with 20 updates to Green Hell and is working on the next one. At present, the studio is working on the preparation of a game version for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.


The final financial data for the first quarter of 2024, together with comparable data, will be provided by the Company in an interim report to be published on 22 May 2024.